Okaloosa County Tax Collector Ben Anderson would like to remind property owners that Friday, February 28, 2014 is the final day to receive a 1% discount on property taxes. Anderson says, “This is the last month for those owners to get an early payment discount on their 2013 property taxes.” Property taxes become delinquent if not paid by March 31, 2014.
Anderson says, “The fastest and most convenient way to ensure payments are posted in time to receive the discount is to pay online via our website, www.OkaloosaTax.com. All transactions are secure and our website is easy to navigate. The best part - there’s no waiting in line!” He continues, “The 1% early payment discount will apply to payments placed in our drop box or those postmarked by 5:00pm Friday, February 28, 2014.” Using the E-check payment method is free and there is no waiting in line.
To pay property taxes online, visit www.OkaloosaTax.com. Under the ‘Pay Online’ section to the right of center, click ‘Taxes.’ Enter the name or property address, click search, select your item and an icon will indicate if a payment is due, how much is owed and how to pay.
Anderson reminds, “For those not already on the Installment Tax Payment Plan, I urge you to sign up by calling our Office at 651-7300. This plan allows the Taxpayer to spread out their property tax payments into 4 smaller tax payments over the year, which eases the burden of one lump sum payment.” Anderson says, “By signing up for the Installment Tax Payment Plan, participants receive a 3.3% discount.”
The Tax Payment Plan is just one of the many services that save Customers time and money.